Keeping your teeth young
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Keeping your teeth young

As we get older suddenly we realised many things we didn't appreciate about being young - being fit, having smooth skin and having all your own teeth. As our loose teeth (and bridges) struggle to deal with chewier food we start eating bland mush and, there is no easy way to say this, OLD PEOPLE FOOD. I'm determined not to let that happen to me and I'm doing everything I can to keep my own teeth as long as possible, and when that's not possible to get the best possible teeth replacement. If you are like me and want to keep on eating whatever you want, I think you'll like my site. It's all about dental health and teeth replacement & maintenance.

Keeping your teeth young

Moving Your Mountainous Molars: Can Molars Be Moved With Invisalign?

Mabel Hicks

If a row of teeth was a mountain range, your molars would be the Everests and Aconcaguas of the bunch. Molars are the strongest teeth in your mouth. They need to be, because it is with them that you crush and grind your food so that it is easier to swallow and digest. Your molars also help to support your cheeks. Without them, your cheeks would be sunken.

Molars are vital to your health and appearance. They are, however, more difficult to move than your other teeth. Each molar may have from 1 to 5 roots. Thus, shifting them can be difficult—even with traditional braces. However, that doesn't mean molars cannot be moved with Invisalign. They can. It just requires a different approach.

Elastics and Buttons Can Be Used

Invisalign aligners were initially designed to deal with minor to moderate cases of malocclusion. For example, when teeth are only slightly crooked, a course of Invisalign will have no trouble correcting the issue. However, since the introduction of Invisalign, orthodontists have discovered that it is possible to make even major adjustments with Invisalign.

One way of doing this is through the use of attachments, or buttons, and elastics. Buttons can be attached to the surface of a tooth that requires more force to be moved than the other teeth. Similarly, an orthodontist can also utilize elastics to generate more force in a desired direction. In the hands of an experienced orthodontist, these tools can help to move molars.

It May Take Longer

Although the average length of Invisalign treatment is 12 months, moving misaligned molars may increase the treatment time. However, despite this downside, you will benefit from the ability to remove the trays whenever you see fit, and from the fact that they are invisible.

Movements Can Be Planned in Advance

Traditional braces are able to place more force on teeth and so are useful for correcting severe cases of malocclusion. However, one of the major benefits of using Invisalign is that you and your dentist can plan the course of your treatment in advance by using the Clincheck software. This software allows you to see a 3D representation of your treatment progress.

In the case of moving molars then, you will get a good idea of when you might achieve the results you desire.

So, yes, it is possible to move molars with Invisalign. It might take longer, but at least you get to see the likely results at the start, which would not be possible with traditional braces.  
