Keeping your teeth young
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Keeping your teeth young

As we get older suddenly we realised many things we didn't appreciate about being young - being fit, having smooth skin and having all your own teeth. As our loose teeth (and bridges) struggle to deal with chewier food we start eating bland mush and, there is no easy way to say this, OLD PEOPLE FOOD. I'm determined not to let that happen to me and I'm doing everything I can to keep my own teeth as long as possible, and when that's not possible to get the best possible teeth replacement. If you are like me and want to keep on eating whatever you want, I think you'll like my site. It's all about dental health and teeth replacement & maintenance.

Keeping your teeth young

6 Reasons For Your Bad Breath

Mabel Hicks

Bad breath is one of the most common oral health complaints, but many people are at a loss to explain why their breath smells so bad. Here are several common causes that could be at the root of your smelly problem.

1. Smoking

If you are a smoker, then your daily habit is probably a significant contributing factor to the way your breath smells. After you've been smoking for a while, you might not notice the lingering odour of tobacco, but to non-smokers, it is usually very obvious. A less smelly alternative to smoking is vaping, which also comes with fewer oral health risks.

2. Diet

Strong-smelling foods and drinks, such as coffee, garlic, and certain spices, can leave their distinctive odour on your breath. Other dietary factors include consuming a lot of sugar, which encourages bacteria to multiply inside your mouth. The waste products created by these bacteria can contribute to bad breath. In all cases, rinsing your mouth after you eat can help to reduce the effect of food on the way your breath smells.

3. Oral Hygiene

If you want your breath to smell fresh, it is essential to brush and floss your teeth thoroughly to remove all traces of plaque and leftover food. Pay attention to how long and how carefully you brush — it is possible that you are missing sections of your mouth, leading to bad breath.

4. Poor Hydration

Your saliva is equipped with odour-eliminating enzymes, which fight to keep your breath smelling fresh between meals. However, if you are dehydrated, your body cannot produce as much saliva as it needs, which can lead to your breath smelling bad. Carry a bottle of water with you and sip it throughout the day to keep your mouth moist and healthy.

5. Sickness

Bad breath can be a sign of encroaching illness. Many people notice that their mouth tastes sour when they have a throat infection, such as tonsillitis or strep throat. Thankfully, this type of bad breath usually resolves as soon as you recover from the illness.

6. Gum Disease

You should never ignore bad breath that has no obvious cause. It can be one of the early symptoms of gum disease, a serious oral health condition that can lead to tooth loss if you ignore it. If you cannot find the root of your bad breath problem, schedule an appointment with your dentist so they can assess the health of your gums.

To learn more, contact a local dentist.
