Keeping your teeth young
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Keeping your teeth young

As we get older suddenly we realised many things we didn't appreciate about being young - being fit, having smooth skin and having all your own teeth. As our loose teeth (and bridges) struggle to deal with chewier food we start eating bland mush and, there is no easy way to say this, OLD PEOPLE FOOD. I'm determined not to let that happen to me and I'm doing everything I can to keep my own teeth as long as possible, and when that's not possible to get the best possible teeth replacement. If you are like me and want to keep on eating whatever you want, I think you'll like my site. It's all about dental health and teeth replacement & maintenance.

Keeping your teeth young

Signs and Causes of Common Dental Bridge Problems

Mabel Hicks

Dental bridges are a great way to fill in the gaps caused by lost teeth. However, they can have problems and need repair or replacement. If you have a problem with your bridge, don't hesitate to find a solution as soon as possible. If you delay too long, your problems can worsen. Here are some questions and answers about dental bridges and their problems.

How do dentists attach dental bridges?

Knowing how your bridge sits in your mouth can help you recognize when you have a problem. Cemented bridges commonly have one of these three attachment types:

Traditional: With this method, the two healthy teeth beside the empty space receive crowns. They hold the bridge tooth in place over the gap where the missing tooth once was.

Cantilever: This procedure is for people who don't have teeth on both sides of the gap. Instead, the dentist uses the closest two teeth on one side to anchor the bridge.

Maryland: Maryland bridges use wings to attach a porcelain tooth to its neighbouring teeth.

You can also have temporary bridges that you can pull out. However, they are not as durable. However, this option can be removed and repaired without much trouble.

What are some signs of dental bridge problems?

Some signs that your bridge has a problem that needs a dentist's attention include:

  • Pain
  • Excessive bridge movement
  • Visible damage
  • Problems biting
  • Increased tooth sensitivity

What causes dental bridge problems?

Sometimes dental bridge problems come from poor fit or design. However, the most common reasons for dental bridge failure include those on the following list:

  • Poor care and hygiene
  • Bad habits like chewing on pencils and hard candy
  • Not seeing your dentist regularly
  • Problems with your abutment

What can the dentist do about dental bridge damage?

Whether your bridge is repairable depends on the problem. Small chips and breaks in the bridge may be fixed without removing the bridge. However, if the repair needs are extensive, then the dentist may need to remove your bridge. In many cases, a cemented bridge cannot be repaired once the dentist removes it. If the abutment teeth are the problem, the dentist may need to repair those teeth or devise a different solution for your new bridge.

Your dental bridge should be comfortable and functional. Most dental bridges will be trouble-free for many years with proper care. However, they aren't indestructible. If you experience any discomfort or odd feelings related to your bridge, see your dentist right away. In some cases, your dentist can repair the bridge. Otherwise, you may need a replacement. Contact a dentist for more information regarding dental bridges.
