Keeping your teeth young
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Keeping your teeth young

As we get older suddenly we realised many things we didn't appreciate about being young - being fit, having smooth skin and having all your own teeth. As our loose teeth (and bridges) struggle to deal with chewier food we start eating bland mush and, there is no easy way to say this, OLD PEOPLE FOOD. I'm determined not to let that happen to me and I'm doing everything I can to keep my own teeth as long as possible, and when that's not possible to get the best possible teeth replacement. If you are like me and want to keep on eating whatever you want, I think you'll like my site. It's all about dental health and teeth replacement & maintenance.

Keeping your teeth young

Navigating Dental Emergencies: Handling Chipped Or Cracked Teeth

Mabel Hicks

Accidents occur, and dental emergencies are no different. A tooth can become chipped or cracked unexpectedly, leading to significant discomfort and pain. A dental emergency can be especially unnerving if you are not aware of what to do. Here is what you should do if you chip or crack your tooth. 

1) Rinse your mouth with warm water: 

After a tooth is cracked or chipped, it is essential to take immediate action to prevent further damage or infection. Cleanse the area around the damaged tooth by rinsing your mouth with warm water. Rinsing helps to remove any debris left in the mouth and prevent any bacteria from causing an infection.

2) Control the bleeding: 

If you experience any bleeding, press a clean gauze pad against the affected area to control the bleeding. Hold the gauze firmly until the bleeding stops.

3) Use ice: 

To alleviate swelling and numb the area in case of pain, applying a cold compress like an ice pack can be beneficial. Just cover the ice pack with a towel and softly press it against the cheek, near the tooth that's causing discomfort.

4) Visit a dentist: 

The next step is to visit your dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist will suggest a suitable treatment based on the extent of the tooth damage. A minor chip may require a simple filling, while a more severe crack may require a root canal or extraction.

5) Dental solutions: 

There are different dental solutions that your dentist may recommend for the damaged tooth. For minor chips, the dentist may recommend bonding, which is a cosmetic procedure that involves the application of a tooth-like material to the damaged tooth. The dentist may also recommend a crown if the damage is more extensive. A dental crown is a cap that provides protection by covering the entire tooth, shielding it against further damage.

Experiencing a chip or crack in a tooth can be distressing and painful, but it's crucial to stay composed and follow the necessary measures to minimize the harm. Rinse your mouth, control the bleeding, use ice to numb the pain and swelling and visit your dentist immediately. Remember to follow your dentist's instructions to ensure that the damaged tooth is restored to its original state. It is essential to plan for dental emergencies by having a dental professional that you can rely on in times of need. 

Contact an emergency dentist to learn more. 
